DSF-DSEG Digital Signage Certification Week

Whether you’re working in the digital signage industry and looking to enhance your knowledge and skills or just want to know more about digital signage and how it has become an essential AV communication tool, signing up for Digital Signage Certification Week will be time well spent.

From June 22-24 the Digital Signage Federation (DSF) in partnership with the Digital Signage Experts Group (DSEG) will be hosting a pair of online certification courses followed by industry networking events during Digital Signage Certification Week.

This year marks the inaugural annual event to promote credentialing and professional development in digital signage and experiential technologies. The three-day program will offer the Digital Signage Certified Expert (DSCE) and Digital Content and Media Expert (DCME) certification courses.

DSEG is the only globally recognized educational organization for digital signage and has been adopted by the majority of manufacturers, distributors, major integrators, and a large number of end users around the world.

For more information visit: www.dseg.org


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